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T O P I C    R E V I E W
byoman Posted - 01/05/2003 : 18:11:18
Kod originalnih naslovnica mi se pojavi sam prva naslovnica, a ostale ne.
Npr. "naslovnice zagora 1-20" pojavi se samo 1. 41-60 pojavi se samo 41. Sto je ovo?
Naslovnice SD Spidermana 17, 18, 19 i 20 se ponavljaju tj. nalaze se i na strani 1 i na strani 2

First born unicorn hard core soft porn
Dream of Californication Dream of Californication
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
seinfeld Posted - 02/05/2003 : 17:43:27
Cuti i pravi tablicu ;-)

I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. I'm a surprise. They don't see me coming: that's what you're missing.
byoman Posted - 02/05/2003 : 17:36:54
Originally posted by Dado

Vidim ovdje sve neki radnici... crno...

First born unicorn hard core soft porn
Dream of Californication Dream of Californication
Dado Posted - 02/05/2003 : 16:47:46
Vidim ovdje sve neki radnici...
seinfeld Posted - 02/05/2003 : 11:18:32
Voila,i da zelis ne mozes s porediti sa mnom ;-)) !

I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. I'm a surprise. They don't see me coming: that's what you're missing.
---dp--- Posted - 02/05/2003 : 07:20:01
U pravu je Markos Seinfelde, lepo je gledati sa strane i gundjati... i ja to isto vilom da radim, a nisam ni dalmatinac ni crnogorac... doduse, ti si "tezak slucaj" ne bih da se poredim sa tobom :o)))
globinjo Posted - 02/05/2003 : 02:02:03
Originally posted by Markos


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ajme na kvadrat

...i onda kad ne bude nas bilo,stripove će čitat' naše...
Markos Posted - 01/05/2003 : 22:37:02

Kicking Squeeling Gucci Little Piggy
seinfeld Posted - 01/05/2003 : 22:35:27
Ma ja sam ti kombinacija dalmatinca i crnogorca genetski ti je to ;-))

I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. I'm a surprise. They don't see me coming: that's what you're missing.
Markos Posted - 01/05/2003 : 22:31:44
Da, lijepo je gledam sa strane i gundjati a drugi da rade!:-)

Kicking Squeeling Gucci Little Piggy
seinfeld Posted - 01/05/2003 : 22:30:10
evo provjerio sam jos jednom,lijepo lijepo ;-)))

I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. I'm a surprise. They don't see me coming: that's what you're missing.
seinfeld Posted - 01/05/2003 : 22:29:35

I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. I'm a surprise. They don't see me coming: that's what you're missing.
Markos Posted - 01/05/2003 : 22:27:54
Shamelessly showing off, aren't you scumbag?:-)

Kicking Squeeling Gucci Little Piggy
seinfeld Posted - 01/05/2003 : 22:12:58
Ah miline ,back to normal ;-)))

I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. I'm a surprise. They don't see me coming: that's what you're missing.
seinfeld Posted - 01/05/2003 : 22:12:10
Sad cu da testiram sve naslovnice.

I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. I'm a surprise. They don't see me coming: that's what you're missing.
byoman Posted - 01/05/2003 : 20:32:29
Originally posted by Markos

Dobro, dobro, evo, popravio sam:-) It's a bug:-) It WAS a bug:-)

Kicking Squeeling Gucci Little Piggy

Papa Roach...

First born unicorn hard core soft porn
Dream of Californication Dream of Californication
Markos Posted - 01/05/2003 : 20:30:30
Dobro, dobro, evo, popravio sam:-) It's a bug:-) It WAS a bug:-)

Kicking Squeeling Gucci Little Piggy
seinfeld Posted - 01/05/2003 : 18:23:01
---dp--- ga je isprovocirao sad stedi na prostoru ;-))).Izgleda od sada samo jedna naslovna/junak ;-))))))!

I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. I'm a surprise. They don't see me coming: that's what you're missing.
byoman Posted - 01/05/2003 : 18:17:28
Originally posted by seinfeld

Marko je nesto ceprko danas po compu izgleda

I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. I'm a surprise. They don't see me coming: that's what you're missing.

Vadio je kartice i hard disk

First born unicorn hard core soft porn
Dream of Californication Dream of Californication
seinfeld Posted - 01/05/2003 : 18:15:24
Marko je nesto ceprko danas po compu izgleda

I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. I'm a surprise. They don't see me coming: that's what you're missing.
seinfeld Posted - 01/05/2003 : 18:14:18
Da to je greska i kod mene je isto!!!

I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. I'm a surprise. They don't see me coming: that's what you're missing. © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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